Joseph Hart and His Descendants
By Rev. Charles Coffin Hart (Published 1901)
Edward, the first child of Joseph and Nancy Shanklin Hart, was born in Washington
County, Virginia, Sept. 14, 1788; died Oct. 24, 1858, aged 70 years.
In 1791 his parents emigrated to Blount County, East Tennessee. His early education was
limited only by his opportunities. When one considers the wonderful beauty of East
Tennessee, with its great natural resources, it is not strange that the sturdy and loyal
people who first settled here should have been willing to endure any hardship in order to
establish homes in this mountainous begirt land. Such surroundings never could tend to
weaken the character of these people and, indeed, it almost seems that the strength of
these hills must have imparted to them a certain strength of character. Here Edward Hart
spent all his days except his early infancy. His boyhood was full of thrilling adventure,
for at that time this country was subject to frequent raids by Indians, so that Edward
spent many a day in the fort, or old blockhouse, known as Fort McTeer, where the early
pioneers sought refuge from the Indians. One of Maryville's most desirable residence
streets runs directly through the former site of this old fort. When a youth Edward became
an expert in driving a four and also a six-horse team from the saddle, using only one
line. He made frequent trips with country produce from Blount County to Georgia, with
cotton from Georgia to Baltimore, and with goods from Baltimore to merchants at Knoxville
and Maryville. The round trip occupied about three months. He also hauled salt from the
salt works in Virginia, a distance of eighty miles. In speaking of his early life, he
said: "I was always in the saddle."
February 22, 1814, Edward was married to Miss Elizabeth Hood, daughter of Nathaniel
Hood, one of East Tennessee's staunch pioneers. Elizabeth Hood was born Jan. :27, 1796;
died Nov. 9, 1849, aged 53 years. She was eighteen and her husband twenty-five at the time
of their marriage. In those days the custom of showering the happy couple with rice had
not come into vogue, possibly for the very good reason that rice was too expensive an
article, or was not to be had at any price. Good wishes, however, were not lacking, and it
seems that salt was the medium through which they were conveyed at that time; for upon
entering the new home, which stood only a few hundred yards from Edward Hart's boyhood
home, the customary pile of salt was found on the hearthstone. In this same home they
spent the remainder of their days and reared their family of twelve children, all but two
of whom reached the years of maturity. Their names are as follows: Nancy Shanklin, born
Dec. 14, 1814; Joseph, July 21, 1816; Margaret Maria, May 14, 1818; Abagail, March 13,
1820, Nathaniel, Dec. 1, 1820; John, May 8, 1823; Thomas, Aug. 28, 1825; Elizabeth, Dec.
1, 1827; James Harvey, April 29, 1830, died Sept. 14, 1831 ; Hetty Ann. July 12, 1832;
Samuel Blackburn, Jan. 6, 1835; Annis Isabella, Jan. 19, 1837, died at the age of three
Edward Hart united with the New Providence Presbyterian Church July 26, 1826, under the
pastorate of Rev. Isaac Anderson, D. D. In May, 1827, his wife united with the same
church. Their children were all baptized by Dr. Anderson. New Providence church at that
time had 800 members.
.Nancy Shanklin Hart, at the age of nineteen, united with New Providence Church, and on
April 7, 1836, was married to a Presbyterian clergyman, Rev. George Anderson Mathes. After
their marriage Mr. Mathes preached and taught several years in Asheville, N. C. His next
pastorate was at Rogersville, Tenn., where he remained until his death, which occurred
March 30, 1846. He was a scholarly, able and successful minister. They had four children,
two of whom died in infancy. After the death of Mr. Mathes the mother, with the remaining
two children, returned to her father's. Her daughter, Mary Jane Mathes, married Mr. Jarnes
Chandler. Their only child died. Mr. Chandler and his wife moved to Clarksville, Ark.,
where they both died.
Maggie Mathes married Mr, Samuel Foster, of Knox county. They moved to Middle
Tennessee. Two daughters were born to them, Pearl and Irene Evella. The parents both died
in 1889, and the children came to Maryville to reside with their uncle, Mr. Blackburn
Ross. Pearl Foster married Mr. Henry Rankin, of Mossy Creek, Tenn. They have one child,
Myrtle, born in 1894. Irene Evella Foster still (1898) lives with her uncle and is in
school at Maryville.
April 9, 1850, Mrs. Nancy Shanklin (Hart) Mathes was married to Mr. William Ross, who
was a native of North Carolina, but came to Knox County. They lived on a farm near
Knoxville twelve years, and then moved to Louisville, Blount County. During the Civil War
he was drafted into the Confederate Army and held for several years as a shoemaker. For
thirty years he was an elder in Spring Place Presbyterian Church in Knox County, but died
in Louisville, Blount County, Oct. 2, 1867. They had four children, Rowena, Gaines
Blackburn, Flatly, Flora Alice. The latter died at Louisville, East Tennessee, at the age
of six years. After the death of her, husband, Mrs. Ross moved to Maryville, where she
died June 18, 1874. Rowena Ross married John Parker. They live near Manchester, Tenn., and
have no children. Gaines Blackburn Ross is a successful merchant in Maryville, a
self-educated man, and deserves the prosperity he enjoys. He is a member of New Providence
Church. He was married July 5, 1877, to Miss Nannie P. Malcolm, To them four sons were
born; William, John, Samuel and Charles. The three younger died in infancy.
Hetty Ross married Mr. John Lambert, of Middle Tennessee. They have six children;
William, Robert, Samuel, Dora, Josie and Grace. They moved to East Tennessee, where Mr.
Lambert died.
In 1890 Mrs. Lambert married Mr. Mark Simpson of Maryville Blount County, and was
elected elder in the church in that place in, 1897, and in 1898 Mrs. Simpson and her
children returned to Millsboro, Middle Tennessee, where her sons are engaged in farming.
Joseph Hart, the only living member of Edward Hart's family (1900) was born July 21,
1816. At the age of seventeen he united with New Providence church. In early manhood he
was elected an elder, and in 1843 was made Clerk of the Session. He was a cabinet-maker
and carpenter, a skillful mechanic, and wrought at his trade for many years and was
successful in his business. When about forty years of age he moved to Louisville, Blount
county, and was elected elder in the church in that place. He afterwards moved to Knox
County, and for many years has been an elder in the Erin Presbyterian Church, Bearden Post
Office. He has led a remarkably active life, and is still (1900) at the age of 83, quite
active, though partially blind. At the age of twenty-five he was married to Miss Jane
Johnson. They reared a family of six children; Emily Elizabeth, William, Susan Matilda,
Mary Wright, John Craig and Ellen.' Emily Elizabeth married Mr. Benjamin M. Robertson a
railroad engineer. They made their home in Cleveland, Tenn. They have no children. After
his death 1890 the widow returned to her father's home, near Ebenezer Post Office, Knox
William, second child of Joseph Hart, during the Civil was a soldier in the Third
Tennessee Cavalry, Federal Army. He is an elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church of
Ebenezer, Knox County. He married Miss Olivia Nelson. Their home for several years was at
Ebenezer, where he was engaged in farming and dairying. He afterwards removed to Knoxville
and is engaged in the family grocery business. Jacob D. Hart their oldest son, is pastor
of the Second Baptist church in Petersburg, Va. He is a talented and gifted young
preacher, deeply spiritually-minded, consecrated to his work and successful.
Alice, second child of William Hart, married a Mr. Price. They live in Knoxville and
have no children.
Samuel, third child of William Hart, married Miss Callie Coon. They are living on his
father's old homestead at Ebenezer. They have two children. McLamy, fourth child of
William Hart is a plumber by trade, doing business in Knoxville, unmarried.
Arthur, fifth child of William Hart, assists his father in the grocery store.
Emma, sixth child of William, married a Mr. Foster. They live in Knoxville and have one
Stella, Tom and Lottie children of William, are with their parents.
Susan Matilda, Joseph Hart's third child, was married to Mr. Robert Gray, Feb. 2, 1896.
They live near Ebenezer, Knox County. Mr. Gray was in the Federal Army during the Civil
War. He is now a prosperous farmer. They have two children, Emma and Joseph Harold.
Mary Wright, Joseph Hart's fourth child, born May 12, 1851; died June 21, 1852.
John Craig, fifth child of Joseph, born
. He is a member of the
Presbyterian Church at Concord. He married Miss Lena Maxwell. They have four children,
Cowan, Joseph, Ada and Hettie May. They own a large farm of both bottom and table land. He
has the largest and best barn in Blount (Note: someone has pencilled in
"Knox") County and is said to be one of the best farmers in the county.
Ellen, the sixth child of Joseph Hart, married Mr. William Henson. They own a good
river farm near Concord, Blount County. They are members of the Baptist Church. They have
four children, Norena Robert, Alvin and Goldie.
Jane Johnson, the good wife of Joseph Hart, died at their home, Ebenezer, Knox County,
Margaret Maria Hart was born May 14, 1818, and was married to Mr. William Alfred Mathes
in 1837. They lived near Dandridge, Jefferson county, Tennessee. In their early married
life Mr. Mathes was engaged in farming and teaching and at different periods was employed
as colporteur by the American Tract Society, the American Bible Society and the American
Sunday School Union, and as temperance lecturer; but always regarded the farm as the main
support of his family. During all this period he was connected with the Presbyterian
Church, but later in life he joined the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and was ordained as
a minister in that denomination. Through his efforts a house of worship was erected on the
corner of his farm but within a year after its completion it was destroyed by fire.
Nothing daunted, he began collecting funds and material for rebuilding, and persevered
until a second building was erected, and for many years he preached and conducted Sunday
School in this house. His good and ever faithful wife died Dec. 20 1881, aged sixty-three
years. She was a woman of great courage and steadfast faith in the promises of God.
Letters to her father, written when her children were small, show that whatever her
hardships or privations, and they were many, her faith remained unshaken. Her greatest
desire was to bring up her children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. They had
eight children, James Harvey, Nancy Elizabeth, George Anderson, Rachel Emeline, William
Edward Hart, John Theron, Nathaniel Beecher and Cordelia Josephine. Several years after
the death of his wife Mr. Mathes married Miss Hettie Elizabeth Edgar. Mr. Mathes, though
feeble from age, still (1898) preaches occasionally.
NOTE-Rev. William Alfred Mathes died Sept. ..., 1899, at the age of 85 years.
James Harvey, oldest son of W. A. and M. M. Mathes, was Captain of a company and
Adjutant of the Thirty-seventh Tennessee, C. S. A; afterwards a staff officer in General
Bates' old brigade. He lost a leg and had a horse shot from under him in front of Atlanta,
Ga., July 22, 1864. He had received a liberal education, and after the war he engaged in
journalism. The writer feels tempted to copy the first letter he ever wrote. It was
addressed to his uncle, Thomas Hart, and enclosed in a letter of his mother's to her
father.: "April 26, 1846. Dear Uncle: I received your letter and was glad.. I have
not much to write, only that I am beginning to plough a little. I am still going to Sunday
school. I will be examined, if I live, at the anniversary. I can't write much, but large
streams from little fountains flow; tall oaks from little acorns grow. Yours, Jas. H.
Mathes." This early promise was certainly fulfilled in after years. For after serving
on the Memphis Avalanche, Louisville Courier and other papers, he became editor of the
Memphis Ledger, which he ably conducted for twenty years, and in 1893 severed his
connection with the press. About four years after the close of the war he was married to
Miss Mildred Spotswood Cash who, on her mother's side, came of old Virginia families. She
has been widely known as State Regent of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and in
1897 was prominent as one of the prime movers of the work of the Woman's Building at the
Nashville Centennial Exposition. They have five children. First, Mildred Overton, a
talented young woman. In 1893 she graduated from Vassar College, and soon after was
elected to an important position in a woman's college in Mississippi. Afterwards she
established a finishing school for young ladies in Memphis, Tenn. She married a Mr.
Woodworth. They have one son. Their home is in San Rafael Marion County, California. The
other four are Lee Dandridge, an electrician; Benjamin Cash, a bookkeeper; James Harvey,
Jr., and Talbot Spotswood.
J. Harvey Mathes held a county office four years in Shelby County, was an elector on
the Cleveland and Hendricks ticket, served two terms in the Legislature of his State, and
has for twelve years been a member of the State Board of Visitors of the University of
Tennessee at Knoxville. He is a Mason; also a member of the Knights of Honor. He and the
members of his family belong to the Congregational church, though in no way estranged from
the Presbyterian church, to which he formerly belonged. In 1878 he made a tour of Europe.
They have an elegant home in a pleasant residence part of Memphis.
Nancy Elizabeth Mathes died in infancy.
George Anderson Mathes entered the Confederate Army when he was very young; served in
the Thirty-seventh Tennessee; was wounded in front of Atlanta, July 22, 1864. After the
war he completed his college education, studied medicine, practiced law a few years, and
then became editor of the Brownsville States and Bee. He married Miss Mary English Dulan
of South Carolina. To them was born three daughters, Mary, Belle and Georgia. These
children were early left orphans. The mother died first. Dr. Mathes died at the home of
his brother in Memphis in 1881, aged thirty-eight years.
Mary and Belle found a pleasant home with their uncle, Jas. Harvey Mathes, and have
received a liberal education. Georgia was brought up by her aunt, Mrs. Emma Barton, of
McMinnville, Tenn.
Rachel Emaline Mathes received her education at Dandridge and at Mossy Creek. She
married Judge James S. Barton, of McMinnville, and died in 1895. They had one son and one
daughter, William Mathes Barton, a lawyer in McMinnville and Maggie Belle Barton.
William Edward Hart Mathes was educated at Morristown and graduated at Washington
College, Tenn. Studied law at Memphis. He married a daughter of Col. Harvey Williamson, of
Shelby County, Tennessee. They had one daughter, who died at the age of ten. He practiced
law in Memphis several years. In 1885 he moved to Ozark, Ark., where he is successful in
his profession. His wife died while he lived in Memphis. After moving to Arkansas he
married Miss Boundtree. They have two sons, Paul arid Werdna. Mr. Mathes served one term
in the Legislature of Arkansas and was a leader on the floor.
John Theron Mathes was educated at Tusculum College, Tennessee. Studied law, practiced
in the courts of Mississippi and also in Crittenden County, Arkansas. Moved to Texas, and
in 1882 was elected County Attorney, served one year and quit practice on account of
throat trouble. Since that he has been in the insurance business in San Antonio, Tex. He
is unmarried.
NOTE-Nathaniel Beecher Mathes. An autobiographical sketch will be found in the
Preachers' Chapter of this history.
Cordelia Josephine Mathes graduated at Brownsville Female College. She is a gifted
artist, having studied two years in Memphis under Miss Nate Cail, attended the Cincinnati
Conservatory of Art and conducted the art department in the schools of Sommerville, Tenn,
Pine Bluff and Morrillton, Ark. In 1893 she was married to Mr. Shirley Hewen a teacher.
They live in Little Rock, Ark. He is connected with a business college of that place.
Abagail Hart was born March 2,1838. She married Mr. James Boyd. The greater part of
their lives was spent on a farm near Eusebia, Blount County. They have five children,
Mary, Campbell, John, Eliza and William.
Mary Boyd, the eldest, married a Mr. Hines. They have five children, Lee, Stella,
Cordelia James and Nellie. Mrs. Hines died in 1890. After the death of his wife Mr. Hines
moved to Knoxville. Nellie Hines, the youngest, keeps house for her father. The others
have employment in Knoxville.
Campbell Boyd married Miss Elizabeth McCulloch. They have five children: John, Ida,
William , Fred and Nellie. Their first home was at Eusebia, Blount County. Mr. Boyd was an
elder in the Eusebia church. Then for several years they lived in Maryville, where they
owned and managed a platting mill. Their present home is in Knoxville.
John Boyd, son of Campbell, married Miss Kidd, of Maryville. They have two children, a
son and daughter. Mr. Boyd is employed as a traveling agent for the Greer Machine Company
of Knoxville.
Ida Boyd died in young girlhood.
William Boyd, son of Campbell, married Miss Mary Bruce, of Blount County. They live in
Sevierville. He is a mechanic.
Fred Boyd married
. They live in Knoxville and have one son, a
railroad conductor.
Nellie Boyd is a young lady, at home with her parents.
Eliza Boyd, daughter of James Boyd, married Arthur Kinnamon, a farmer, near Maryville.
He is an elder in the Centennial Presbyterian Church. They have four children, Paulina,
Johanna, Oscar and Ophelia.
Paulina was a student in Maryville College, preparing herself for a teacher, but when
just ready to become a help and stay to the family, the Lord took her to more glorious
labor, in June, 1896. The other children are with their parents.
William., son of James Boyd, was a painter by trade and spent several years in
Missouri, where he married Miss Mary Carnes. They have three children, Roy, Richland and
Nellie. He died in Missouri. The widow and her children make their home with her parents.
Sarah Jane Boyd remained with her parents until after their death. Since then she has
employment in a clothing house in Knoxville.
Mr. James Boyd died Feb. 1, 1892, and on March 1 just one month later, his widow joined
him in their home above. Mr. Boyd was a man of gentle, even temperament, and in his early
days was a singing master, and for many years was an elder in the church at Eusebia. They
sold their farm and spent their last year in a pleasant home in Maryville.
Nathaniel Hart was born Dec. 21, 1820. He united with New Providence Church at the age
of seventeen. Having in view the medical profession, he studied Latin and other branches
under the instruction of his brother-in-law, Rev. Geo. A. Mathes, at Asheville, N. C., and
also at Rogersville, Tenn., where Mr. Mathes died. He then remained with his sister, Mrs.
Mathes, managing her business affairs until she returned to her father's home. He then
entered Maryville College and graduated in the class of 1848. In September following he
entered the Medical College of Louisville, Ky., from which he graduated two years after.
He began the practice of medicine soon after at Cartersville, Ga. June 14, 1857, he was
married to Mrs. Margie E. Godwin, a woman of education, culture and refinement. At the
opening of the Civil War, 1861, they moved to South Carolina, near Mrs. Hart's birthplace
and relatives. He entered the Confederate army and was commissioned Surgeon First South
Carolina Regiment of Rifles. Served first on Sullivan's Island and around Charleston
afterwards to the close of the war. They had four children, Augustus Griffin, Mary
Elizabeth, Nancy Williams and Edward.
Augustus Griffin married (name of wife not given). They have four children, viz:
Margaret Eliza, James Edward, Augustus Griffin, Jr., and Lewis B., who died at the age of
three years. Augustus G. Hart was postmaster for several years at Ninety-six, S. C., where
he died Dec. 21, 1897, aged 36 years.
Mary Elizabeth Hart married Mr. Augustine Young Chapman of Brooksville, Fla. To them
were born five children, Nathaniel Hart, who died when one year old; Margaret Elizabeth,
Carrie Lillian, Susie Griffin and Richard Lean, who died at the age of one year. Mr.
Augustine Y. Chapman died May 11, 1897.
Nancy Williams Hart married Robert Dudley Kirk, of Brooksville, Fla., Nov. 21, 1883.
They have five children, Robert Nathaniel, who died in infancy; Charles Dudley, Joseph
Porter, who died when two years old, Imogen Natalie, who died in infancy; and Lewis
Edward. Mr. Robert Dudley Kirk died March 20 1898.
Edward, youngest son of Dr. Nat. Hart, is a prosperous railroad man and unmarried. All
the children of Dr. Hart are members of the Presbyterian church.
After the close of the Civil War, Dr. Hart resided for several years in Ninety-six, S.
C. From there he moved to Brooksville, Fla., where he owned an orange grove and vegetable
garden. He was an elder in the Brooksville Presbyterian Church. His Presbytery sent him as
a commissioner to the General Assembly, which met in St. Louis, Mo., May, 1887. He
received an injury in felling a tree from which he never fully recovered. He was a
skillful physician, an upright citizen; in his private life he was almost without blemish,
a humble, faithful Christian. His end was peace.
NOTE-After the close of the war he wrote to me as follows: Uncle Charley: We believed
we were in the right. We did the best we could and we were defeated. Now it is our
government, our flag. I will be as loyal as you are.---C. C. H."
John Hart was born May 8, 1823, and died April 2, 1874, aged 51. He united with the New
Providence Church at the age of fifteen. He was married to Miss Sarah Jane McCampbell, of
Knox County, Aug. 22, 1850. His wife united with the church soon after their marriage.
They lived on a farm adjoining the farm of his father and grandfather. Here they remained
the remainder of their lives. The old homestead is still in possession of three living
sons. They had seven children, James Nathaniel, Elizabeth, Ellen Florence, Joseph
Anderson, John Alexander, Samuel Steel and William Anderson.
James Nathaniel, born Sept. 7, 1851, lived to be his mother's stay and helper after his
father's death; the firm friend and wise counsellor of his brothers. He was a member of
the Rockford Presbyterian Church, and died March 9, 1888, aged 37 years; unmarried.
Elizabeth, Ellen Florence and Joseph Anderson all died of diphtheria within two weeks'
time, November 15 to December 1 1860 ages from one to seven years.
John Alexander, born Sept. 11, 1863, went to Riverside, Cal., in February, 1893, where
he is engaged in packing and shipping fruit.
Samuel Steel graduated from Maryville College in the class of 1893. He taught school
both, before and after he graduated. In May, 1894, he joined his brother at Riverside in
the fruit business.
William Anderson remained with his mother and successfully managed the farm until his
mother's death, July 30, 1895. In 1897 he rented out the farm and joined his brothers in
California. His health failing, he returned to the old home and died Dec. 4, 1898.
Thomas Hart was born Aug. 28, 1825; died Jan. 22, 1896, aged 72. He united with New
Providence Church Sept. 2, 1838, with his sister Abagail and his brother John. On Oct. 1,
1856, he brought to the old home, as his wife, Miss Malissa Ceneth Moon, and on the family
homestead they spent a long and happy married life, and there his widow and three of their
daughters still live (February, 1900). The house has been remodeled, but a part of the
original structure-as built by the patriarch, Joseph Hart, in 1793-remains in good
condition. A railroad has been built near the dwelling, thereby mutilating the farm. But
the "old spring" is still there, supplying an abundance of pure water, as it did
in 1792, when the land was first claimed. Thomas Hart led a consistent, godly life, and on
Aug. 27, 1865 he was ordained ruling elder in Rockford Church, with which church in course
of time, all his family became members. For many years he was a trustee of Maryville
College, and had at heart the good of all religious and educational institutions. Nine
children were born to Thomas and Malissa Hart: Margaret Eliza, Laura Josephine, Effie
Cenith, William Edward, Cora, Belle, Thomas Samuel, Ella Blackburn and Nellie Jane (twins)
and Jessie Ann.
Margaret Eliza and Laura Josephine died in infancy.
Effie Cenith is at home with her mother and has ably managed the farm interest since
the death of her father.
William Edward, born Feb. 5, 1867, reached manhood, and had become his father's stay
and dependence, but the Lord had need of him, and at the age Of 22 he was called to his
heavenly home.
Cora Belle married Mr. Nathaniel O. Lowry, Oct. 19, 1893. Lowry is an enterprising
young farmer. They lived one year in Madisonville, Tenn.; one year in Maryville. He then
purchased a farm two miles west of Maryville, where he is a successful farmer. They have
one daughter, Bernice Lee.
Thomas Samuel, born March 17, 1872; died Feb. 16, 1873.
Ella Blackburn and Nellie Jane were born Dec. 8, 1873. These twin sisters have very
close resemblance to each other. They are general favorites among all the relatives.
Notwithstanding their inseparable devotion to each other, Nellie, it seems, formed a still
stronger attachment, and on Nov. 27, 1895, was married to Mr. James Newton Haddox of Knox
County. Mr. Haddox is a teacher in the public schools of Knox County, and a genial,
Christian gentleman. They have two children, Thomas Hart and May.
Ella Blackburn Hart is engaged in teaching, but makes her home with her mother. Jessie
Ann, the youngest of the family, is also at home with her mother.
Thomas Hart gave all his children educational advantages at Maryville College. The two
sons-in-law also received their education at Maryville.
Elizabeth was born Dec. 1, 1827. She was married to Mr. John P. Hooke, May 15, 1849.
They united with New Providence Church Sept. 21, 1852. She died June 22, 1894, aged 67
years. Her children call her "blessed." Six children, three sons and three
daughters, were born to them: Robert H., Albert M., Ada A., Arena A., John Edward and
Robert H. and Albert M. Hooke graduated at Maryville College in the class of 1874 and
from Danville Theological Seminary in 1877. The same year they were licensed and ordained
Presbyterian clergymen. Their biography will appear in the Preachers' chapter.
Robert H. married in Altoona, Pa. They have no children.
Albert M. married Miss Laura' Clark, of Bowling Green, Ky. Five children were born to
them: Clark, Samuel, May, Mendell, and Genevieve.
John Edward Hooke died at the age of twelve.
Ada, Arena and Elida Hooke received a liberal education at Maryville College, and all
have been most-competent teachers. Ada married. Mr. David Park. They went to Wellington,
Kan., where, within one year, the husband died. The widow returned to her parents. She has
one son, Perris Park, now (1900) sixteen years old, and going to school in Maryville.
Esquire John P. Hooke and his wife spent their entire married life on their farm, four
miles east of Maryville, where they began housekeeping. Squire Hooke was elected elder in
New Providence Church in September, 1865, in which capacity he still serves (1900) and was
elected Clerk of the Session, and served more than twenty years. In 1865 was elected
trustee and treasurer of Maryville College, and served in this capacity for twenty years.
His Presbytery sent him as commissioner to the General Assembly which met May, 1898, at
Winona, Ind. He and his daughters, Arena and Elida are still on the farm--1900.
James Harvey Hart was born April 29, 1830 and died Sept. 14, 1831.
Hetty Ann Hart was born July 12, 1832. By her mother's death she was left in charge of
the household at the age of thirteen. She united with New Providence Church May 30 1852
under the pastorate of Dr. Isaac Anderson. Dec. 16, 1858, about two months after the death
of her father, she was married to Mr. John Wyckliffe Eakin. They made their home on a farm
near Boyd's Creek, Blount County. Mr. Eakin is a member of the United Presbyterian Church.
He served as a Federal soldier in the civil war, Company B, Fourth Tennessee Regiment.
During the three years of her husband's absence Mrs. Eakin went to the "Old
Eakin" place and lived with her sisters-in-law, Mrs. Martha Eakin and Mrs. H. M.
Eakin. All the men who did not enlist in the Confederate army, or make their escape to the
Federal army, had to keep in such close hiding that they could do but little in carrying
on the necessary labor of the community. And these three women, as did hundreds of other
women in East Tennessee, had to do their farm work, spin, weave and make their own and
their children's clothing; and thus maintain a meager subsistence. During a part of this
time Mrs. Eakin carried on a small school.
At the close of the war Mr. Eakin was left totally blind, and remained so for six
years, though he applied to famous oculists in Philadelphia and other cities. Finally; in
Atlanta, Ga., he received 3-200 vision in one eye, which is still spared to him, so that
he is able to walk about without a guide. Soon after their return from Atlanta they lost
their home by fire. In 1874 he was elected Treasurer of Blount County, which office he
held for two terms. During his term of office they moved to Maryville where they have
resided ever since. Mr. Eakin was brought up in the old Scotch Covenanter Church, and is
at present an elder in the United Presbyterian Church at Big Spring. They have two
children, John Samuel and Stella Hart Eakin.
John Samuel Eakin was born Nov. 22, 1867. He graduated from Maryville College in the
class of 1886. Three years later he graduated from Lane Theological Seminary, and in 1890
was ordained as a minister of the gospel by the Presbytery of Union. His autobiographical
sketch appears in the Preachers' chapter.
Stella Hart Eakin was born Oct. 6, 1873. In early life she united with the New
Providence Church. She graduated from Maryville College in the class of 1894, and has
since remained with her father.
Mrs. Hetty Ann Eakin was a woman of active mind ready for any emergency, sterling
character and an earnest Christian. She took great interest in church work, and in all
missionary enterprises. She was a great comfort to her husband in his affliction. She died
March 12, 1892, aged 60 years.
Samuel Blackburn was born Jan. 6, 1835. At the age of seventeen he united with New
Providence church. Later he removed his membership to Rockford Church. He took a partial
course in Maryville College, but did not graduate. He married Miss Josephine Singleton
Dec. 16, 1857. They have no children. They lived on a farm at Rockford, then moved to
Louisville, Blount County, where he engaged in mercantile business. Then for several years
in Louisville, Ky., engaged in the same business. They then returned to East Tennessee,
and lived on a farm, three miles east of Maryville, until his death, which occurred March
31, 1873, at the age of 38. He is said to have been a man of most engaging manners, ready
wit, with a keen sense of humor. And was greatly beloved wherever known.
His widow lives in Knox County. "Aunt Josie," as she is widely known, is the
universal favorite among all the East Tennessee relatives. She must share every joy, every
grief, and no family gathering is complete without her presence. She has lived a most
unselfish life, giving herself unsparingly and unceasingly for others. She more than
merits the affection and high esteem in which she is held.
Annis Isabella was born Jan. 19 1837. Died Jan. 24, 1840 The blessing of having a godly
ancestry cannot be too highly appreciated. Edward Hart reared his family in the strictest
manner and instilled into them, by example and precept, the highest principles of morality
and integrity, and his influence is felt to the third and fourth generation. His
descendants have led honorable and upright lives, bringing no blot on the family name. His
wife, Elizabeth, was a noble woman, worthy of such a husband and such descendants. Edward
and Elizabeth Hart lie buried in the old graveyard adjoining the original site of New
Providence Church, near Maryville.
NOTE-The above excellent sketch of Edward Hart and his descendants was compiled by Miss
Stella Hart Eakin, of Maryville, East Tennessee, a grand daughter of Edward and Elizabeth
Hart. --C. C. Hart