Joseph Hart and His Descendants
By Rev. Charles Coffin Hart (Published 1901)
Thomas Hart, second son of Joseph and Nancy Hart, was born in the Blockhouse at
Maryville, East Tennessee, Oct. 26, 1791. He was brought up on a farm three miles north of
his birthplace, with the usual experiences of a boy of that day. Being a son of Joseph
Hart he had a good example to follow, and good influences about him. As good citizens were
characteristic of the community where he lived, he had good associates, and thus there was
no reason why he should grow up other than he was, a pure minded, earnest hearted
Christian gentleman. His father being a teacher he had some educational advantages, was
very fond of reading and possessed an excellent memory, was interesting in conversation,
when he could be so engaged, but being of a modest, retiring disposition, he never put
himself forward, preferring to listen rather than be heard. He was five feet ten inches in
height, and weighed about 165 pounds. He was a soldier in the war with Great Britain,
1812-15. He enlisted in Blount County, Tennessee, May 31, 1812, in Captain Samuel C.
Hopkins' Company, Second Regiment U. S. Dragoons, under Colonel James Burns. The command
marched to the north and joined the Northwestern Army, under command of General William
Henry Harrison. In passing through Northern Ohio they frequently marched in water from
three to sixteen inches deep, chopped down timber and bivouacked in the brush. He was in
the siege of Fort Meigs, where he was wounded in the heel by an Indian concealed in a tree
top, and was always slightly lame from its effects. He was in the battle of the River
Raisin, and many of the engagements under General Harrison. He remained in the service
until Jan. 17, 1814, when he was mustered out at Watertown, New York. Having walked all
the way from Tennessee to Canada when it was almost an unbroken wilderness, he lived to
see the country grow into a densely populated and thrifty land of schools, churches,
cities, railroads, telegraphs and homes with the comforts and luxuries thereto unknown,
which was a neverending source of interest to him, and to note the progress, and compare
the difference between the various periods of his life. He, in early life, united with New
Providence Church of Maryville, and was a strong adherent to the Presbyterian church. His
heart was wrung by the strifes and dissensions of the church which finally resulted in the
division in 1837-8 into what was known as Old School and New School. But as he was
unalterably opposed to slavery, he felt that, deplorable as the division was, as viewed
from his standpoint of brotherly love and Christian forbearance, it was, nevertheless, the
only possible solution of the question. But no rancor or hatred found lodgement in his
heart. Though a firm New School man, yet he always sadly and tenderly spoke of the
separation with the hope that the breach would be healed. And the Lord graciously spared
him to see the breach healed1869until not a sear was left. On Dec. 15, 1814,
he was married to Miss Elizabeth Duncan, of Blount County, Tennessee. Miss Duncan was born
in Rock Ridge County, Virginia, Dec. 17, 1796. She was a member of New Providence Church,
and a daughter of George Duncan, a well-to-do farmer and noted gunsmith of that time, and
mechanical genius generally. Some of the proofs of his mechanical skill are still in the
possession of his descendants. He was the son of Scotch parents, who early emigrated to
Virginia. He was also a soldier in the revolutionary war. His wife died in early life,
leaving him two daughters and four sons. Elizabeth, or Betsy, as she was familiarly known,
being the oldest, though but twelve years old, she took charge of the household affairs,
and the care of the youngest children; and well did she perform her task, giving them all
the care and devotion of a mother, teaching them morals and manners, and looking well to
their religious training. They all, in early life, became members of the Presbyterian
church except one brother, who joined the Methodist church. Her father remarried some
years later, and her stepmotherwho was an excellent onesaid, on coming into
the family, that she was surprised to see one so young exhibit such capability, and at the
scrupulous cleanliness of home and children, which she had never seen excelled.
Thomas and Elizabeth Hart were the parents of eleven children, ten daughters and one
son, viz: Lavina, Nancy, Angeline, Mary Ann, Elizabeth, Eleanor Jane, Benjamin Franklin,
Harriet Newel, Marth L., Frances C., Frances Juliette. Two died in early childhood,
Frances C. and the only son, Benjamin Franklin. The loss of this son was deeply lamented
by the parents, yet in their sorrow they meekly bowed to the dispensation of a wise
Providence. A mysterious Providence came to them several years after the death of their
only son, which in some measure relieved their affliction. One day a strange woman, with a
male child about 18 months old, came to their house and said, as they had daughters and no
son, she wished to give them her child, she would not reveal her own name or that of the
child's father. After some persuasion, and a promise never to come to see the child, they
agreed to take it and bring it up as their own, which they did, and the mother never
NOTEI had the above statement from Mrs. Nancy McAllie, second daughter of Thomas
and Elizabeth Hart, residing at Taylorville, Ind., July 26, 1899. C. C. H.
The child received all the care and affection of a son, and was known as Jim Hart. When
he came to manhood he married a Miss Blessing in Bartholomew County, Indiana. Moved to
Carrollton, Mo., where for several years he worked at carpenter's work, but of late years
has been farming. They are a very respectable family of people, and members of the
Methodist church, and have seven children. To one accustomed to the luxuries of the
present day the life of this family might seem hard and bare, but many are the bright
pages in their memory of their childhood's happy home, when the days began and ended with
religious devotions. For truly these parents endeavored to "train up their children
in the way they should go." The toil necessary for the comfort of a large family was
relieved and sweetened in many ways. The daughters were taught the culinary skill by the
mother, also knitting, spinning, weaving and the use of the needle; several of them being
expert with that useful implement, so small yet so great. Some of the older ones attended
a school where needlework was taught. Advantage was taken of the writing school and the
singing school, that great refining factor of those early days. In this exercise Psalms
and hymns prevailed, though many other songs were sung, among which, as prime favorites,
were "Hail Columbia," "My Country 'tis of Thee" and "The Star
Spangled Banner." They studied the Shorter Catechism, read good books, and none
other. They took advantage of everything they could to acquire education and useful
A marked trait of this family was love for their kindred, which was never effaced by
time, distance, or new associations. These parents realized in the conversion and
Christian life of all their children the fulfillment of the promise attached to the
command, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not
depart from it." Their children were all baptized in infancy, and what is quite
unusual, the same man that married the parents, also baptised all their children; the
Moses of East Tennessee, the saintly Dr. Isaac Anderson, the founder and first president
of Maryville College. To be brought in contact with such a life as his was itself an
education. His teaching and preaching to this family is exerting an influence now in the
third and fourth generation. Only eternity can tell its vast reach. At one time all the
members of this family were members of the Presbyterian church, but owing to circumstances
several of them became members of other churches, but all were active Christians, and
brought up their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord, and most of them are
members of evangelical churches. Bands of roving Indians were sometimes seen in the
vicinity of their early home, but they were never molested. On one occasion when the
parents were at a weekly meeting the children left at home were badly frightened by the
sudden appearance of three or four in their door yard. The Indians entered, looked all
about the house, but took nothing. They lifted the lid off of the pot where the dinner was
cooking, turned the cover down and took a peep at the babe asleep in the cradle, nodded,
grunted and took their departure, greatly to the relief of the children.
One serious accident befell the father. On his way home from church with his wife one
Sabbath day, a fractious colt, which he was riding, took fright and ran away and threw him
against a stump and literally tore his nose off, leaving a hold of only a shred. A good
surgeon, good blood and a kind Providence restored it to its normal condition, and
although very noticeable was not disfiguring to a great extent; yet it made some
alteration in his voice.
In the fall of 1846 Thomas Hart with all his family, three of whom were now married,
removed to the State of Indiana. They were five weeks on the way, and enjoyed a pleasant
journey in the balmy autumn weather. They brought with them both horses and cattle. He
located on Clifty Creek in Bartholomew County, four miles east of Columbus, in which
vicinity he and his wife continued to reside until their death. They brought letters from
New Providence Church upon which they united with the Presbyterian church of Columbus and
enjoyed the pastoral services of Rev. Benjamin M. Nyce and of Rev. James Brownlee, and
afterward, for a period of seventeen years, that of Rev. Ninian S. Dickey, who, while he
never came quite so near their hearts as Dr. Anderson had done, was greatly beloved by
A Presbyterian church was organized at Sand Hill, near their home, to which they
transferred their membership, Mr. Dickey being their pastor and stated supply. Thomas Hart
was an elder in the church of Columbus and also at Sand Hill, which office he held at the
time of his death, which occurred July 28, 1865, at the age of seventy-four years.
"The last few years of his life were years of feebleness and pain, but he was
uniformly cheerful, resigned and happy. He talked of his death as calmly, and of heaven as
confidently, as though he was about to make a safe and pleasant journey to a most
desirable home."
NOTEAbout two months before his death I heard he was feeble. I made a journey of
250 miles to visit him. When I arrived he expressed great pleasure and asked how long I
could stay. Till tomorrow morning, I replied. I want you to preach here this evening, for
that will be the last sermon I shall ever hear. The neighbors came, many of them his
children or grand children. The women filled the house, the men on extemporized seats
filled the door yard. I stood in the door and preached from Peter 1: 8. After the people
had retired we talked till midnight. He was not sick, but feeble, cheerful and happy. --
For several years he and his wife, being too feeble to live alone, made their home with
their son-in-law, William McDowel, where his wife continued to reside until her death,
which occurred July 7, 1868. Quietly and happily she slipped out of the place she had so
long and so worthily filled here and entered into that rest which remaineth to the people
of God, aged 72.
They both lie buried in Sand Hill graveyard by the side of his father, brothers and
many of their children and grandchildren. Their active work in this world finished, but
their influence is reaching out and out, through many varied channels.
Lovina, eldest daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Hart, was born Feb. 11, 1816, in Blount
County, East Tennessee. In early life she united with New Providence Church. She was
married to Mr. James Matson Sept. 13, 1836. He was a student of Maryville College, a
member of the Presbyterian church, an affectionate husband and father, a genial and
pleasant gentleman. He was born Feb. 12, 1812, and died Feb. 22, 1860, leaving his wife
with seven of the ten children born to them, the youngest an infant. He was a member of
Sand Hill church.
Sarah, the first child of James and Lovina Matson, a general favorite for her sweet
disposition, died at the age of 12 years.
Thomas, second child of James and Lovina Matson, took the care of the family on himself
at the death of his father and nobly did he fulfill his trust, until cut down unexpectedly
in the bloom of his young manhood, dying at the age thirty-one, when he was supposed to be
recovering from an attack of measles. He was an exemplary Christian, a member of Sand Hill
church and died in the triumph of a living faith.
Nancy, third child of James and Lovina Matson, remained at home with her mother until
her death from cancer, Feb. 3, 1887, at the age of 46. In early life she united with Sand
Hill church and was a consistent Christian. At the disbanding of Sand Hill church she,
with her mother and other members of the family, united with the Methodist church. She was
a right hand to her mother in the care of the family.
John Saye, fourth child of James and Lovina Matson, was born in April, 1844. Is living
on the homestead near Hope, Ind. He is not married. He was a student in Hartsville
College, and for many years a successful teacher in the public schools, but retired on
account of ill health, and has since assisted on the home farm. He was for several years a
member of the Sand Hill church, but is now connected with the Methodist church in Hope.
(See note.)
NOTEJohn Saye Matson died 1899, aged 55.
David H., fifth child of James and Lovina Matson, has never married, but remained with
his mother and assumed the management of the homestead after death of his brother Thomas.
He was a student in Hartsville College, and is a successful farmer.
Hetty and Mary, sixth and seventh children of James and Lovina Matson, died Feb. 17,
1862, within a few hours of each other of diphtheria, aged fifteen and five respectively.
Martha Frances, eighth child of James and Lovina Matson was married to Mr. Joseph E.
Steinberger, a farmer of Bartholomew County, at the age of nineteen. They are members of
the Methodist church at Petersville, Ind. They have five children.
James Franklin, ninth child of James and Lovina Matson, was born March 17, 1855. He
studied in the schools of the neighborhood and assisted on the farm until he grew to
manhood, when he became a student in Hartsville College, and afterwards studied law and
remained in that profession in Columbus, Ind., for several years, when he became city
editor of the Columbus Republican, and held that position for a number of years, after
which he removed to Indianapolis and commenced the publication of the Policy Holder, an
insurance paper, in which he is still engaged. He was married in 1880 to Miss Emma George,
of Hope, Ind. They have two bright children, Charles, born in 1881, now a student in the
Manual Training School of Indianapolis, and Ethel, born in 1883, who has entered the
Indianapolis High School.
Ella, tenth child of James and Lovina Matson, unmarried and remains on the homestead
with her mother and brothers.
Lovina Matson was a woman of decided character and excellent health almost to the close
of her life. For the last few years she was afflicted with paralysis. She died in October,
1898, aged 82 years, and was buried in Sand Hill graveyard.
Nancy, second child of Thomas and Elizabeth Hart, was born Jan. 22, 1818, in Blount
County, Tennessee, and early in life became a member of New Providence Church. She enjoyed
such advantages for education as the neighborhood school afforded. Was married to David
Eagleton McAllie Sept. 14, 1835. He was a member of New Providence Church, and took a
partial course in Maryville College, was a farmer and teacher. They removed to Clark
County, Indiana, in March, 1844, and to Bartholomew County, Indiana, in 1851, where he
engaged in farming and teaching, and for several years he was connected with the wool
carding business at Lowell Mills, Ind. He died in Newbern, Ind., Dec. 14, 1893. His wife
is still living (1899) a long and useful life, in which she has won the love and esteem of
a host of friends by her uniform cheerfulness and thoughtfulness for others. With the many
cares of a large family resting on her, she could always enter into the joys and sorrows
of those about her.
In her widowhood she makes her home with her youngest daughter, Mrs. John A. Williams,
at Taylorville, Ind. They were the parents of nine children.
Thomas Franklin, first child, was born in Blount County, Tennessee, Feb. 27, 1838. He
was married to Miss Jane Frost, of Newbern, Ind., in September, 1860. They are members of
the Methodist church. He has been a successful merchant, farmer and stock trader, and is
one of the wealthiest men of Bartholomew County. They have thirteen children, seven
living, six have died.
Charles Franklin, born Jan. 14, 1863, is a farmer and owns a farm adjoining his
father's. He married Miss Flora Morrison, of Newbern, March 14, 1883. They are members of
the M. E. church. They have two children, Nellie and Leroy.
Cordelia, born June 7, 1865, was married to Mr. Boyer Dec. 6, 1883, and died Feb. 3,
1890, leaving two children.
Mary, born April 13, 1869, married to John Webb, a teacher, Sept. 1, 1889. They have
one child.
Orion, born May 28, 1867, married Sept. 1, 1889, to Miss Ada McClintock, of Newbern.
They are members of the Christian church and have two children, Pearl, born July 10, 1890,
and Ruby, Oct. 7, 1893.
Ethel, born Nov. 16, 1875, and was married to Mr. John McKain, a farmer of Newbern,
June 7, 1891. She is a member of the M. E. church. They have three children, Gale, born
Sept. 6, 1892; Ruth, born June 15, 1895; Blanche, born Sept. 27, 1898.
Edyth and Edgar, twins, born Jan. 7, 1877. Edyth died in infancy. Edgar was married to
Miss Alta Miller, of Hope, Ind., Oct. In, 1898. He enlisted in May, 1898, as a private in
Com. G. 159th Ind. Volunteers. The regiment was mustered out in November, 1898.
Minnie, born Jan. 23, 1879. Names of other four not reported.
Mary Elizabeth, second child of David E. and Nancy McAllie, was born in Blount County,
Tennessee, June 23, 1839, and was married to Mr. Dennis Hopkins, a worthy and prosperous
farmer of Bartholomew County, Sept. 25, 1856. They are members of the M. E. church and
prominent in all good works in their community. Noted for their care of the sick, their
social disposition and integrity of character. Their children are nearly all members of
the M. E. church; several of the daughters are teachers in the public schools. They have
ten children: Martha L., born Aug. 12, 1857, and died Nov. 26, 1857; Albert M., born Feb.
21, 1859. He was married to Miss Flora A. Moore in April, 1881 He is a farmer and resides
in ..... They have eight children: Mary F., born 1882; James R., born 1884; Edith E., born
1886; Willis A., born 1889; Kemper M., born 1891; Clinton F., born 1893; Florence, born
1896; Walter Q., born 1898.
Monta, born Aug. 6, 1862, was married to William Stark in September, 1890, They have no
children. Postoffice address is ....................................
Etta M., born June 30,1864.
Sherman, born Nov. 7, 1866.
Clara A., born March 23, 1869.
Cora, born Dec. 24, 1872.
Mabel, born Nov. 26, 1874, and died Aug. 23, 1875.
Wilber, born May 16,1876.
Vina Kate, born March 22, 1878, was married to Walter E. Miller in February, 1897. He
is a
and lives...... They have one son, Wayne H. Miller.
Margaret, third child of David E. and Nancy McAllie, was married to Mr. Henry
Ueberroth, a merchant of Columbus, Ind., Sept. 28, 1859. She was a member of the M. E.
church, and he of the Presbyterian. They had two children, first, Minnie, born Oct. 28,
1861; married to Samuel Sayers, a grain inspector, on June 1, 1882. They had one child,
Josie Sayers, born Sept. 5, 1883. Minnie died Jan. 11, 1890. Second, Eva, born Jan. 11,
1873. Married Mr. Frank Smith, Nov. 15, 1892. They had one child. It died and was buried
with its mother in 1893. Margaret, wife of Henry Ueberroth, died Sept. 12, 1881.
NOTERevs. Charles C. and William T. Hart were in Columbus attending the reunion
of the Hart family at the time when Mrs. Ueberroth's death occurred, and each took part in
the funeral service.C. C. H.
Josephine I., fourth child of David E. and Nancy McAllie, was born Jan. 11, 1843, and
was married to Frank F. Wills, an expert miller of Lowell Mills, Ind., Aug. 3, 1862. They
had seven children: Elmer E., born at Lowell Mills, June 2, 1863; Morton U., born April
19, 1866, died at Noblesville, Ind., Sept. 29, 1883; Lillian A., born Feb. 20, 1869; was
married to Mr. B. E. Beard, July 6, 1897; Emma W., born Feb. 16, 1872; Grace, born Oct.
11, 1874; was married to Mr. A. P. Simpson, March 29, 1898; Frank Raymond, born June 11,
1879; died at Noblesville, Dec. 1, 1884; Carl. born Jan. 12, 1882; died at Noblesville,
Aug. 21, 1883. Mr. Wills now resides at Springfield, O.
Alice J. M., fifth child of David E. and Nancy McAllie, was born at Henryville, Clarke
County, Indiana, May 13, 1845. She was a universal favorite among all the relatives for
her sweet disposition. She was married at Lowell Mills to James Anderson, a miller, June
14, 1865. They have three children: Cora Jim, born July 7, 1866; was married to Mr. Frank
Porter, Oct. 24, 1894. They have two children: Virginia A. and Harold A. Nancy Kate, born
June 29, 1875; Frank E., born Jan. 28, 1878, is a medical student in the University of
Tennessee. This family are all members of the Baptist church and reside at Belle Buckle,
Frances Emma C., sixth child of David E. and Nancy McAllie, was born Nov. 16, 1848;
died in August, 1861.
John Calvin, seventh child of David E. and Nancy McAllie, was born July 7, 1851 Was
married to Miss Elizabeth A. Edwards, of Newbern, Sept. 28, 1871. Unto them were born ten
children. John C. McAllie is a leading member of the M. E. church of Newbern, Ind.
Maggie May, born Dec. 9, 1872. Is a member of the M. E. church, as also are the parents
and nearly all the children.
William Elsworth, born March 31, 1874. He is a carpenter.
Harry Waldron, born Jan. 2,1876.
Ralph, born Jan 20, 1878. Member of the M. E. church, a staunch Christian after the old
Joseph Hart pattern.
Clarence, born June 4,1880; died Dec. 22, 1881
Roy, born March 16, 1882.
Earnest, born March 17, 1885.
Raymond, born Oct. 22,1887; died April 30,1888.
Grace, born Jan. 31, 1889; died Jan. 7, 1891.
Infant, died July 1, 1892.
Harry Waldron McAllie enlisted in Company F. U. S. Infantry, in April, 1898. He, with
his regiment, was all through the campaign in Cuba; was at the capture of El Caney; and
when they made the attack on San Diego he was one of the detail sent forward to cut the
wires, which were such an effectual defense of the city. It seems almost miraculous that
he came through that and many other thrilling adventures without a scratch. He returned to
the United States in August, 1898, and was promoted to corporal for his bravery during the
war with Spain. In February, 1899, he, with his regiment, embarked for the Philippine
Islands for duty. Ralph McAllie enlisted as a private in Company K, 16th Indiana
Volunteers, July 3, 1898. In August the regiment was ordered South, and in December, to
Havana, Cuba.
Samuel Blackburn, eighth child of David E. and Nancy McAllie, was born July 2, 1854;
died Sept. 22, 1861.
Dora E., ninth child of David E. and Nancy McAllie, was born April 30, 1858. Was
married to Mr. John A. Williams, a farmer and carpenter of Taylorsville, Ind., Nov.
22,1877. They have two sons, Reuben Errol, born Oct. 9, 1878; and Floyd Eagleton, born
Aug. 1, 1882. This family are Methodists.
Angeline, third daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Hart, was born in Blount County, East
Tennessee, Dec. 17, 1819. She was converted in early life and united with New Providence
Church. In 1846, she, with her parents, emigrated to Bartholomew County, Indiana, where
she underwent the toils, privations and varied experiences common to all settlers of a new
country, one of the most trying of which was the sickness arising from the swampy and
undrained condition of the State at that time. She was married by Rev. John B. Saye, her
brother-in-law, June 9, 1851, to Mr. Jordan Winchester, a farmer of Johnston county,
Indiana; a man of sterling qualities of character, a Kentuckian by birth, a nobleman by
nature and an earnest Christian by practice. He was strong, self-reliant, capable and
intelligent; with the courage of his convictions on all matters of importance. A Methodist
of the Old School, but not intolerant of the views of others. He labored to make his a
home of peace, prosperity and happiness. He died of blood poisoning Nov. 11, 1865, aged
..... leaving his wife in her desolation to bring up her five children born to them. What
made it especially hard for her was the fact that her father had died but a few weeks
before, and having no brother or male relative living near to be an adviser, she, a timid,
backward woman, must face the responsibility of training up her children alone. Her own
early training qualified her for this work. And with what fortitude, patience and fidelity
she performed this duty her children and friends bear loving testimony. Her graces of
character were many, and yet she was of such a retiring disposition that to fully
appreciate her one must know her intimately. Of a deeply religious nature, she moved on
with no loud claim of piety on her lips, but always had a word of appreciation for
Christian effort or religious service. If the sermon was not so eloquent, the text was
sure to be good. Her great love of the Scriptures was manifest by her daily perusal of it.
No one heard her boast of her love of flowers, but her yard was a wellspring of delight
"from early till late," with one beauty following another, and especially such
as were doubly valuable for their fragrance. What wonder that we laid her away with her
hands full of the beauties she loved. heaped the cover that hid her precious form from our
sight and plant her own favorites to bloom by that sacred spot! In her ministrations to
the sick she was especially skillful. None could excel her in preparing some delicacy to
tempt the appetite or please the palate of the sufferer, and yet so quietly done you
scarcely knew how it came about. Ambitious for her children's welfare, and living where
there was not the most favorable prospect for success in business, she sadly but
cheerfully consented to their changing to other fields of labor, but never for a moment
did her influence over them weaken, while her letters were a constant source of comfort
and pleasure to them. Gifted in the art of conveying the very information most desired,
leaving out no detail of home life. Their interest in other and new duties never beguiled
their affection from the old home, and no duty was ever allowed to crowd out the letter
that each sent regularly to the mother, so eager to hear from them. And when the last sad
parting came, she turned her face, so glowing with the light of heaven, to us, that our
hearts, though broken with grief, were healed with joy. Surely "her memory shall
remain a sweet and unfading recollection." She died on the 18th of December, 1895,
aged seventy-six years and one day, and was buried by the side of her husband at
Morgantown, Ind., to which place she and her husband removed in 1857. Her resting place
was almost in sight of the roof that had sheltered her for nearly forty years. She never
left the Presbyterian church. In her later years she could not attend that church, owing
to distance and her age, but was a constant attendant at the Methodist church near her
home, and at her death permission was given to place her name on the church roster of the
dead, as a worshiper with them, only one other person, not a member, being thus honored.
Harriet McDowell, first child of Jordan and Angeline Winchester, was born Dec. 4, 1852.
Was married by Rev. S. W. McNaughton to John S. Collett, a farmer of Johnston County,
Indiana, Jan. 31, 1867, and was left a widow in the short space of seven months, her
husband, a very worthy Christian gentleman, being cut down in the bloom of his youth by
the ravages of typhoid fever. She returned to the home of her mother, where on the 10th of
December, 1873, she was married to William H. Montgomery, who died in the autumn of 1888;
since which time she has lived with her mother, remaining still in the old homestead,
which has been kept in the family. She has no children and is a member of the Methodist
Martha Jane, second child of Jordan and Angeline Winchester, was born September, 1854.
Was married by Rev. Wm. C. Smith Dec. 12, 1872, to Mr. Robert Kallam, of Shelby County,
Indiana, who has been a great favorite in the family, but whose life was shadowed by
suffering. He died April 22, 1899, mourned and loved by all who knew him. He was a soldier
in our Civil War, in the army of the Cumberland, under General George H. Thomas, in the
regiment commanded by Colonel (now General) Lawton. His family were related to General
Gage, of Revolutionary fame. His grandfather was paymaster in that army. They lived in
their own home in Martinsville, Ind., since the first year of their marriage. They had no
children. She is a member of the Methodist church.
Juliet Emmaline, third child of Jordan and Angeline Winchester, was born May 27, 1856,
was nine years old at the death of her father. She taught eight years in the common
schools of Indiana. She was married at Morgantown by Rev. I. V. Moore, Dec. 27, 1877, to
Mr. Charles C. Roth, a native of Western Pennsylvania. Their home since 1884 has been in
Indianapolis, Ind. Mr. Roth is city salesman for a wholesale grocery house; was for six
years a member of the Board of Education of Indianapolis and a member of the committee
that projected and built the Manual Training and High School of that city. Is now (1899) a
member of the Board of Public Safety of Indianapolis. He is also engaged in the
manufacture of gas engines. Is a member of the Knights of Pythias, a Mason and in
politics, a Democrat. They have one son, Charles Roth, Jr., born May 13, 1879. He and his
mother are members of the Seventh Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis. He graduated from
the Manual Training High School June 8, 1896; worked one year in the Merchants' National
Bank, of Indianapolis, and is now (1899) in his sophomore year at Purdue University,
Lafayette, Ind. He is mechanical and musical in his nature. Mathematics is his favorite
Wilber Fisk, fourth child of Jordan and Angeline Winchester, was born at Morgantown,
Ind., Feb. 20, 1858, his father dying when he was seven years old. He was a boy that was
early a man, and took all the responsibility and care possible off of his mother. He was
kept most of the time in school, as were all his mother's children, until his sixteenth
year, when he came to try his ability in the city. His mother, though reluctant to see him
take a departure, which she knew must be permanent. wisely consented. He came to
Indianapolis, and finding no opening in a mechanical direction, turned his attention to
the wholesale houses, and after applying to most of the houses on South Meridian street,
then as now the great wholesale district, he finally secured a place in Hendricks &
Co.'s wholesale shoe store at $25 per month, which seemed to him a princely sum until his
board and incidental bill was considered .He was given a key to the store the first day,
which he carried nearly twenty-four years, and until he dissolved his connection with the
house. He was promoted from time to time, and for twenty years was traveling salesman for
the house. He was always a comfort to his mother, and never swerved in his duty to her. He
was married by Bishop Joseph C. Talbott, June 11, 1879, to Miss Fannie Wilder, of
Indianapolis, where they have since resided. By his diligence he has acquired a home and
competence. A baby boy was born to them in January, 1884, but was taken away after three
short days. He is a Republican in politics, uses neither tobacco nor beer, belongs to no
secret order except the Commercial Club, but prefers home to lodge or club room. He is now
(I899) traveling for a wholesale shoe house in Jefferson City, Missouri.
William E. S. Winchester, fifth child of Jordan and Angeline Winchester, was born May
28, 1860. His early boyhood was spent in the schools of Morgantown, but when his brother
located in Indianapolis, he, too, determined to try to find employment there, which he
did; working in various shops and factories, until he finally entered the Gibson Mills,
then under the superintendence of Frank T. Wills, where he learned the milling business.
Having mechanical ability and diligently applying himself, he became an expert miller.
This business he has since followed, except a few years spent as a commercial traveler. He
is now (1899) superintendent of mills in Lawrenceburg, Ind. He was married by the Rev.
Oscar McCullock, April 5, 1883, to Miss Alice Purcell, of Indianapolis. They have two
sons, Robert S. born Jan. 12, 1884, and Wilber T., born Nov. 10, 1888; bright, healthy
boys, with a great deal of original ingenuity, fond of reading and music.
Mary Ann, fourth child of Thomas and Elizabeth Hart, was born Feb. 20, 1822, in Blount
county, East Tennessee. In early life united with New Providence Church. Was married Oct.
22 1839, to Rev. John B. Saye, who had been a student in Maryville College. He was a
scholarly man, a very affectionate husband and father. They came to Indiana in 1846, and
soon after located in Franklin, Johnston County, and for several years he had charge of
several churches in the surrounding country. He experienced the usual vicissitudes of
ministers in country districts but his ever faithful ministrations met with appreciation
by his hearers, some of whom, to the writer's knowledge, still bear witness to his
fidelity. He afterwards ministered to other churches in Southern Indiana, and then removed
to Southern Illinois, where he preached a few years, and finally located in Springfield,
Ill, where he died of pneumonia, March 14,1876. Owing to political differences between the
north and the south, he being a native of the south, he decided to retire from the
Presbyterian church and cast his lot with the Episcopal church; but he could not reconcile
himself to the use of the prayer book and other forms, and finally found a home in the
Methodist church, but retired from the ministry several years before his death on account
of pulmonary trouble, from which he had long suffered. "Blessed are the dead that die
in the Lord." After the death of her husband Mrs. Saye removed to Chandlersville,
Ill., that she might be with her children, two of whom had located there. She died March
17, 1895, aged 73; and was buried at Chandlersville.
John B. and Mary Ann Saye were the parents of six children. Margaret Elizabeth, born
Sept. 3, 1840, was a teacher before her marriage, which occurred March 3, 1867. She was
married to Mr. Benoni Jones, a farmer of Bartholomew County, Indiana, where they lived for
several years, and then removed to Shelbyville, Ind., where he died in 1894. They had six
children: Mary May, Charles B., Albert A., Frederick, Katharine and Leonora Elizabeth. All
are living except Katharine, who died in infancy. Mary May is a teacher in the city
schools of Shelbyville. Charles B. is engaged in the gentleman's furnishing goods
business. Frederick was married to Miss Mary Kennedy, of Shelbyville, in 1898. Frederick
and Albert are together in the furniture business. They all reside in Shelbyville, and all
are members of the M E. church.
Phoebe Jane, second child of John B. and Mary Ann Saye, was born July 3, 1843 Was
married to Prof. R. Cromlick, Dec. 15, 1870. They are both members of the M. E. church.
She was a teacher for several years before her marriage. She and her husband are both
talented musicians, and conduct a musical normal in Chandlersville, Ill. They have one
daughter, Annie, who is a fine musician and teacher of music, and has published some
beautiful compositions.
Payson Hart, third child of John B. and Mary Ann Saye, was born March 4, 1847; died at
Franklin, Ind., Aug. 12, 1850.
Juliet Lovina, fourth child of John B. and Mary Ann Saye, was born May 24,1849; died
Sept. 4, 1850.
Thomas Richard, fifth child of John B. and Mary Ann Saye, was born July 27, 1852; died
Feb. 14, 1897. He was married to Miss Mary Ann Ainsworth, May 11, 1880, both living in
Chandlersville. Five children were born to them, all of whom are now living, viz: Harry,
Andrew, Ruth, Anna and Grace. Thomas R. Saye was a member of the Congregational church, a
Mason of high standing, as was also his father. He also belonged to the Good Templars; was
a noted singer, in much demand in choirs and on special occasions.
John, sixth child of John B. and Mary Ann Saye, was born Jan. 7, 1859; died Aug. 2,
Elizabeth, fifth daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Hart, was born in Blount County, East
Tennessee, Oct. 23, 1823. Early in life became a member of New Providence Church. She
accompanied the family of her brother-in-lawDavid E. McAllieto Henryville,
Clarke County, Indiana, in 1843, and was married to George H. Townsend, a thrifty farmer
of that neighborhood, Aug. 30, 1847. He was a member of the Protestant Methodist church.
His church was disbanded, and he and his family united with the Missionary Baptist church.
They were excellent people and held in high esteem by the community. They had ten
children, viz: Nora J., Thomas M., Lafayette D., George Duncan, Charles Beecher, Addie,
Ella Elizabeth, Lillie Alice, Laura Pink and Daisy Forest.
Nora J., first child of George and Elizabeth Townsend, was born at Blue Lick, Ind.,
June 7, 1849. Was married to Henry Carr, Nov. 3, 1866. He died Dec. 26, 1871. They had
four children, all of whom died in infancy. The widow was married a second time to John W.
Batty, a farmer of Blue Lick, Oct. 10, 1880 They are members of the Christian church. They
have four children: Ralph C., born May 6, 1881; John Byron, born Aug. 24, 1883; Estella
Pink, born Sept. 10, 1887; Helen Townsend, born Oct. 31, 1889.
Thomas, second child of George and Elizabeth Townsend, was born March 7, 1851. Was
married to Miss Matilda Rud, of Blue Lick, Sept. 30, 1870. They are members of the M. E.
church. They have nine children. Two died in infancy. The living are: Henry A., born Aug.
22,1870; Anna Laura, born May 27,1872; Cora A., born May 22, 1875; Thomas Lafayette, born
Feb. 6, 1878; George H., born Jan. 7,1885; Ella R., born Sept. 10, 1886; Frank S., born
Jan. 2, 1889.
Lafayette D., third child of George and Elizabeth Townsend, was born Dec. 27, 1852. Was
married by Rev. Geo. W. Greene to Miss Mary U. Buchler, Sept. 9, 1875. Both are members of
the M. E. church. He is a farmer and carpenter and lives on the old homestead at Blue
Lick, and owns a share of the famous Blue Lick Springs. He says: "We are happy here,
and never expect to make a change." They have eleven children: Nora E., born June
30,1876; Annie B., born Jan. 13,1878; Lelah B., born April 18, 1880; Paul V., born Feb.
7,1882; James E., born Nov. 5, 1883; Charles Beecher, born July 4, 1886; Lucy F., born
Dec. 8, 1889; Herman R., born Sept. 6, 1890; Ruth J., born June 28, 1892; Elmer L., born
May 18, 1895; Hazel M., born Nov. 7,1897. The four oldest are members of the M. E. church.
George D., fourth child of George and Elizabeth Townsend, was born Nov. 20, 1854; died
June 2, 1864.
Charles Beecher, fifth child of George and Elizabeth Townsend, was born March 17, 1857;
died May 24,1858.
Addie, sixth child of George and Elizabeth Townsend, was born Aug. 30,1859. Was married
to James F. Whitesides, Sept. 14, 1876 He is a school teacher. They belong to the M. E.
church, and reside near Memphis, Ind. They have nine children, viz: Nora A., born Jan. 29,
1879; Kate E., born Aug. 20, 1880; Goldie L., born April 7, 1884; Homer T., born Aug. 12,
1886; Pearl I.., born July 12, 1888; Mabel E., born Aug. 14, 1891; James O., born Feb. 9,
1894; Mary Addie, born March 28,1897; an infant; died.
Ella Elizabeth, seventh child of George and Elizabeth Townsend, was born Sept. 2, 1861.
Was married to Edwin O. Greene, a farmer of Blue Lick, May 3, 1888. They have three
children: Florence C., born in Cleveland, O., May 14, 1891; Bernice E., born Aug. 15,
1893; Amos Townsend, born Sept. 11, 1898.
Lillie Alice, eighth child of George and Elizabeth Townsend, was born Nov. 24, 1863.
Was married to James M. Hawes, Sept. 6, 1882. They have four children: Bessie Beatrice,
born April 12, 1883; Edith Nathan, born Aug. 11, 1884; Blanche Townsend, born Sept. 26,
1885; Myrtle Foster, born Aug. 21, 1887. This family resides in Jeffersonville, Ind.
Laura Pink, ninth child of George and Elizabeth Townsend, was born Feb. 23, 1867. Is a
member of the Christian church, and was married July 1888, to Dr. Marcellus Mayfield, a
physician Of Salem, Ind. They have three children: Clyde Townsend, born March 17, 1890;
Hollis Earl, born Feb. 13, 1893; Lecta Geneva, born Feb. 13, 1895.
Daisy Forest, tenth child of George and Elizabeth Townsend, was born June 19, 1870. Was
married to Alvin Greene, a farmer and carpenter of Memphis, Ind., Feb. 12, 1889. They have
no children.
Eleanor Jane, sixth child of Thomas and Elizabeth Hart, was born in Blount County, East
Tennessee, Feb. 24,1827. Was converted and united with New Providence Church, and was
married Oct.27, 1853, to Robert Jones, a prosperous farmer of Hope Township, Bartholomew
County, Indiana. He was a member of the Baptist church and his wife joined the church with
him. They had five children.: Franklin, Joanna F., Ada A., Clara and Ruth.
Franklin was born July 3, 1855. Was married to Miss Cassandra J. Moore, Feb. 8, 1879.
They are members of the Baptist church and reside in Indianapolis. They have two children:
Robert Ralph, born Sept. 22,1880; Winnie E., born Oct. 5, 1882.
Joanna F. Jones was born June 22, 1858. Was married to Lewis F. Carmichael, Jan. 16,
1875. He is a farmer of Hope Township. They are members of the Baptist church, and have
four children: Kate, born Sept. 24,1878; Harry Hart, born Dec. 16, 1881; Shirley Jones,
born April 3, 1890; Robert Fred, born March 12, 1894.
Ada A., third child of Robert and Jane Jones (date of birth not reported), was married
to Edward Weisner, of Hope, Ind. They have one son. Louis Weisner. They live at
Shelbyville, Indiana.
Clara, fourth child of Robert and Jane Jones, married Edward McCoy, of Columbus, Ind.
They have five children, viz: Robert, Eleanor, Ada, Mark Hart and an infant. She is a
member of the Baptist church. They now reside in Chicago, Ill.
Ruth, fifth child of Robert and Jane Jones, resides with her sister, Mrs. McCoy, in
Mr. Robert Jones died at his home in Hope Township, ...... ...., 1879. His wife Eleanor
Jane Jones, died in the same house. They were buried in the Hope burying grounds.
Benjamin Franklin, seventh child and only son, of Thomas and Elizabeth Hart, was born
Oct. 9, 1828; died June 4, 1830, aged twenty months.
Harriet Newel, eighth child of Thomas and Elizabeth Hart, was born in Blount County,
East Tennessee, Sept. 27, 1830. Removed with her parents to Indiana in 1846. She was
married by Rev. James Brownlee, in 1851, to Mr. William E. McDowell, a farmer of
Bartholomew County, Indiana. They have three sons: James H., born Sept. 13, 1853. He was
married to Miss Eliza Osborn, Feb. 13, 1876. They now reside at Portis, Kan. They are
members of the M. E. church, but have no children. John W., born March 28, 1857. Married
Mrs. Charlotta Brown in July, 1882. They have one child, Bertha Harriet, born Dec. 22,
1884. They are members of the M. E. church. An infant son, lived but a few days. William
E. and Harriet McDowell were members of Sand Hill Presbyterian Church. They and their two
sons moved to Osborn County, Kansas, in 1879, where they still reside on a good farm. In
their new home, finding no Presbyterian church, they united with the Congregational church
in their neighborhood. Their postoffice is Portis, Osborn County, Kansas.
NOTEWilliam Edward McDowell died of apoplexy. September, 1900.
NOTEJustice as well as affectionate gratitude prompts me to make special mention
of the great kindness of William E. McDowell to the parents of his wife, who made their
home in his family the last few years of their lives, and both died at his home. He always
ministered to their comforts in a manner worthy of an affectionate son. His love and
kindness to his wife, who has been a great sufferer for many years, is worthy of an
honorable husband.Compiler.
Martha L., ninth child of Thomas and Elizabeth Hart, was born in Blount County, East
Tennessee, Feb. 27, 1833. Was married by Rev. N. S. Dickey, Aug. 28, 1856, to George W.
Aikin, a school teacher of Bartholomew County. They have five children: Sarah F., born
Sept. 11, 1857. She was married by Rev. Mr. Cooper to William R. Kingar, Aug. 14, 1895.
They have no children.
Elizabeth, born May 1, 1860; died in infancy.
Homer L., born July 18, 1862. He was married by Rev. Mr. Lathrop to Miss Lily A.
Walton, Dec. 25, 1894. They have two children: Mary Lovina, born Feb. 6, 1896; died in
infancy. Esther, born Dec. 1, 1898.
Jane, fourth child of Geo. W. and Martha L. Aikin, was born Aug. 17, 1868. Was married
by Rev. Mr. McWimmer to Mr. Russell Jackson, June 19, 1897. They are members of the
Baptist church. No children.
Nellie, fifth child of Geo. W. and Martha Aikin, was born Aug. 28, 1874; died Jan. 11,
Martha L. Hart Aikin has been an invalid nearly all her life. She has borne her
sufferings, met her trials and disappointments with courage, resignation and Christian
fortitude. She was a member of Sand Hill Presbyterian Church. Since her marriage she
united with the M. E. church. Their home is now in Indianapolis.
NOTETo the remarkable memory of Geo. W. Aikin the writer is indebted for the
verification of many of the facts in this paper.
Frances C., tenth child of Thomas and Elizabeth Hart, was born in Blount County, East
Tennessee, Jan. 22, 1836; died Nov. 8, 1838.
Frances Juliette, eleventh child of Thomas and Elizabeth Hart, was born in Blount
County, East Tennessee, Aug. 25, 1841. Was married by Rev. N. S. Dickey, March, 1861, to
Mr. Isaac Franklin Townsend, a prosperous farmer of Clarke County, Indiana. They are
members of the Presbyterian church, earnest, consistent Christians. They removed to Smith
County, Kansas. Their postoffice address is Portis, Osborn County. They have five
children: William B., born April 11, 1862. He was married to Miss Nevada Bates, of Smith
County, Kansas, April 7, 1886. They have two children: Ralph, born Nov. 22, 1891, and an
infant son. They are members of the Protestant Methodist church.
Charles Hart, second child of Isaac and Juliette Townsend, was born April 25, 1865. He
was married to Miss Belle Stonehocker, of Smith County, Kansas, March 14, 1889. They are
members of the Presbyterian church. They have two children: one died in infancy; Walter,
born Oct. 12, 1898.
Stella Elizabeth, third child of Isaac and Juliette Townsend, was born in Clarke
County, Indiana, March '78, 1867; died Dec. 27 of the same year.
Lelah M., fourth child of Isaac and Juliette Townsend, was born May 8, 1869. She was
married Oct. 15, 189I, to Mr. William Shook. They live in Greene, Ia. Have one child,
Harry L., born Feb. 16, 1894.
George Franklin, fifth child of Isaac and Juliette Townsend, was born in Smith County,
Kansas, May 24, 1881, being the only one of their children born in Kansas, to which State
the parents emigrated in 1877. They are all successful farmers. All own the homes in which
they live. Their postoffice address is Oakvale, Smith County, Kansas.
NOTEIn addition to their large family, Thomas and Elizabeth Hart took into their
home a boy 18 months old, and brought him up as their own, though no legal steps were
taken for his adoption. His mother, a stranger to them, entreated them to take him. They
gave him the name of James Hart. He was loved and cared for as one of their own. In
September, 1856, he was married to Miss Susan Blessing, the daughter of a prominent farmer
of Bartholomew County. She is a member of the M. E. church. After their marriage they
located in Carrollton, Mo. They are an honorable family. He followed carpenter work for
several years, but of late years has given his attention to farming. They have seven
children. The above history was compiled by Mrs. Emmaline Winchester Roth, of
Indianapolis, Ind., granddaughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Hart.